Devil’s advocate answer to a question
This is going to be a drop in an ocean of like-minded responses. Here is my contribution to Fandago‘s post, an answer to a question.
Up until now, I have not discussed politics on any of my posts (that I recollect). I have thought about it but wanted to remain positive and supportive to all opinions. That will continue; however, I would like to contribute my thoughts in the same good nature.
Do you think, based upon what you’ve seen, read, or heard about the evidence presented so far by the House Select Committee, that it has, in fact, ended Donald Trump’s political career?
The short answer is “No”. Feel free to stop reading now. The long answer is a bit more hermetic.
Answer to the question
How does a person know the facts that are laid out on either side are FACTS? Long before Trump was the main topic of the news, lies were spewed from those who are supposed to report “facts”. FOX has had many fingers pointed at it for reporting false information – albeit, not lately, which causes one to pause and ponder.
In my opinion the struggle is not a political party or standing. It is good against evil. Right against wrong. Light versus dark.
Good against evil

Beyond the Christian ridicule is the basic argument of God’s existence, in whatever faith a person has. In similarity it is the same position as most political parties now days: A solid yes or no without a gray area in between.
Can you remember the day when a select opinion spilled over one party line into another? Where one religion agreed with some belief as another religion? When people had staunch standings but could agree on a certain level?
Such is not the case in today’s arguments. You’re either a believer or you’re not, Republican or Democrat, supporter or not. Where did our ability to find common ground go?
Right against wrong

It is my opinion we have been robbed of the ability or conditioned not to seek an agreeable denominator in our attempt at democracy. Our knowledge of history is being undermined, in that it’s not being taught or enforced. The lines of acceptability have been blurred so drastically that basic common sense hardly exists anymore. For example, why would a transgender male athlete be allowed to stack the deck in a competition? Common sense dictates there is no question of the abilities between a man and woman. Yet the fraud was allowed to proceed instead of finding a level playing field for the female and “identified” female to compete.
It seems that we are either all in or all out. We refuse, or for whatever reason, cannot ponder the possibilities of other options. The leaders lead, the followers follow. If one decides to buck the opinion, they are labeled intolerant and brushed to the side.
Light versus dark
Our research is an entity these days. Not leg work, book thumping or opinion gathering “fact” finding. We no longer have time to invest in the gathering of “facts”. We believe what we read online, in social media or on TV. Afterall, someone did the research, right?

Even given the “facts” it seems the ability to shed light on the realism is no longer there. Something outrageous or erroneous seems likely or possible. Being in the dark seems like a welcomed state of mind anymore.
Question everything
It is our God given right and nature to question everything, and we should. In my opinion we should broaden our horizons to encompass EVERY possibility.
If we evolved from apes, why aren’t we still evolving from apes?
How is it possible that high level security was not already in place for a preplanned, large attendance anticipated rally? Not to mention such a high-profile location with equally prominent people inside. Even local governments have you routed into single file to go through a metal detector before you can enter a Courthouse! If that is not followed for any reason the wrath of the police force rains down.
If raising taxes by a dollar can fund multimillion dollar projects, where is ALL the collected money going?! Income taxes (weren’t they term limited just to fund the war), land taxes, sales taxes, License fees (is that constitutional?) to name a few.
Why is Trump still relevant? He’s been impeached twice, investigated, raided, slandered and voted out of office. When, in history, has an outgoing president been kept in such high regard (without dying)? The closest I can come is Nixon and that doesn’t measure up.
Short Answer
So, to participate in Fandango’s provocative question, the answer is no. In my walk on this earth, I have seen a MILLION supporters for Trump. I’ve shared in their disappointment for re-election. By the way, in that disappointment there were no windows busted, looting, cars burned or other destruction of property that occurs with a game lose or some other form of disappointment.
Clinton still ran and won in spite of his extramarital affair. (No fanfare)
Remember the “hanging chads”? That publicity didn’t last long.
What about Obama’s questionable birthplace? Why aren’t we still talking investigating that?
Thanks to Fandango (#FPQ) for posting the question and allowing me to post my answer.
An interesting answer. You asked, “Where did our ability to find common ground go?” It disappeared when we became so entrenched in our own beliefs and so extreme that we thought of compromise and negotiation as dirty words. I thank you for taking the time to post this in-depth response. But I don’t share your apparent support for the former president, who I think is the driving force behind the collapse of the American democracy.
I appreciate your comment and conviction. We will just have to agree to disagree. I’m glad to be a part of the thought process. When COVID hit it was a real eye opener for me. Have a good day Fandango. Thank you for your comment!