Bible Verses faith Links Retirement

Game changer

By the way

If you have been viewing this website’s blog,  or my WordPress blog, you’ll notice that I have added a countdown to retirement. That is because my husband told me he did not want to full time in an RV (game changer). But, he does want to travel! It kind of took the wind out of my sales, however, the best thing about retiring is spending it with him. I don’t want him to be unhappily treking around the United States to please me.

Game changer

So, I have switched gears. Now I am looking for a job. I will likely have to retire, considering the cuts and roll backs they want to make at my job. As a result I have started looking for other employment. I’ve applied at a dozen jobs and so far have only heard back from one. As a matter of fact, I went for an interview today. It seems right up my ally but am not going to put the cart in front of the horse. More on that later if they chose me.

I figure why not make as much money as I can. A retired captain at work told me he wished he would have went on to get a second retirement. That sounds plenty good to me! Hubby and I can get some kind of cheap fifth wheel and take weekenders or vacations. Our neighbor has a pretty good sized 5th wheel, and I thought the sign said $3500. Hubby said it didn’t look very old.

Either way, I am happy to be mobile and healthy. What more could a person ask for? If I am not able to secure a job by the time my countdown ends, I will use the time to declutter and downsize the house. I’ll do the hubby jobs like mowing the lawn, so that he won’t have that to worry about and it will free up time on weekends for other things.

We have options

As with most of the choices in my life, I defer to God. He has provided for my entire life and I know what is meant to be will be. Just like the interview today. In one sense I knocked it out of the park, but then I received no offer or hint of one. They told me I would be contacted by email but, sadly, no email. That’s ok! There are bigger things at play than I know. I defer to God and thank him for the opportunities he provides me and the safe keeping of me and mine.

And while I’m at it I would like to pray for a dear friend who just found out she may have a hereditary heart condition. I pray 2Peter 1:3 and Matt 6:33 over her in Jesus name. God does empower us for his good work and will meet all our needs according to his will. I know she will be ok.

Business at hand

Guess I will get back to looking for work. A lady where I volunteer said she would tell future generations to get a job they liked and not be in any hurry. Hold out for the one that will make you happy. Considering the timing, I believe she was a mouth piece for God. I’m contented to give up control to him. I do not worry that way, as there is no reason for it.

Happy Fourth of July everyone!

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About the author


I'm faithful, foremost. A blogger since 2017. Interested in photography, painting, anything crafty. I am not afraid to tackle the unknown and if I get stuck, there's always the internet. I consider myself to be young at heart in an aging body.

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