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Harness Life

Seems like I think about my blog, or writing in it everyday. I see a face or am in a place, a de-ja-vu moment that makes me want to immortalize it. I haven’t wrote anything since September 2022. Where did all that time go? Harness life. That’s the ticket we all wish we had. Some of us think we are holding it. That’s being young in the moment, I think.

So much has happened. I am going to draw social security in a few months. Didn’t I just retire?! Some past events in my life I am contented that the flew by, like school; learning dragged on and on endlessly for me. The fearless young adult years blinded me to the rate at which time was passing. I thought I had a harness on life.

Harness life through living

At a young age I thought about the impending new millinea as something I would never see. Adolescence is such a funny thing! I road the steam roller of time making memories I would largely forget, acquaintances that would go their own way and believing I was in control. I thank God for the ride.

None of us are in control but we all have a choice on how we live life. Thereby lyes the harness. Live life seeking and making your way in it! The steamroller cannot be slowed, however.

Through continuous attempts

I will never stop trying to pack everything into the one human life I have; which brings me to my blog today! My desire to try to harness life by documenting it. That is, after all, how I began this several years ago.

I have managed to do most of the things I listed those years ago, the plan changed with renting our house. We decided to leave it to a well deserving family that would love it as much as we do (whoever and whenever that may be). The plan also changed with being full time RV-ers. My husband was not into that. However, we did buy our motor home and have used it quite a bit.

God willing, I have many more things to contribute. Here’s me making an attempt to do better at it.

Like the OnStar in our 2012 Enclave “sunset with the adoption of 5G”, I will move from this steam rolling life to eternity. Thank God for giving me the ultimate choice in choosing the living water of Jesus Christ! All good things DO NOT come to an end!

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