countdown to Thanksgiving
With it being the end of the fall season and the beginning of winter, we are in the final countdown to Thanksgiving. I love the end of the year seasons, they always cause me to reflect on the passing year. Today was no different.
I had just dropped off a friend. We were coming back from our usual ceramics studio visit. On weekends we go to “Your Creative Escape” (follow them on Facebook) to paint pottery, anticipate the firing of the poetry and see how our project turned out.
after dropping her off

seeing my friend safely home, I was on my way home and noticed this beautiful sky. I always say “you know there’s a God when [you see beauty in this world]! He is the only one able to create such immeasurable wonders.
I begin to thank God for my life and all things in it. The fact that I wake healthy every day, breath fresh air, drink pure water, have all the necessities in life. Giving me a beautiful partner in which to share all of my being with…
We will be spending time with my family
we will enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday at my mom’s. The usual dinner and fellowship. Something that we have been reduced to doing only on holidays. We are all going our separate ways, living life on our own terms, being uniquely personal in our faith. Yet there is one common denominator that keeps us bound together at all times: Love.
Love for each other, for our God, for the reason of the seasons. However invisible it may seem, it’s there. Tugging at our hearts. Keeping us grounded in each other. Those with their lights on, shining like a beacon, attracting others like moths to a lamp. And those whose lights are dim or completely out, wondering and trying to make sense of it all. We are bound by love.
give thanks

being in the final countdown to Thanksgiving and on the downhill slide to Christmas; acknowledge our creator, giving thanks for all that he is and means to us. There is so much to be thankful for, one cannot begin or end. Forever, as long as we live, we aught to be giving thanks.
Thanksgiving is without much fanfare. While Christmas is a grand display of thanks. Both are my favorite time of year, in my favorite seasons of the year! I am, and will be, in my happy place for what is left of the year!
With Love
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Holiday; sharing it with those they love, finding something to be thankful for and give thanks for.
be safe on any Black Friday events you may have planned!