Where are we without mercy

It takes a lot of mercy to live in this world. Especially if you’re doing it right. Not only that, mercy is all around us if you’re looking.
Today I had an appointment with the dentist. He happens to be retiring the first of December. During the conversation between he and his dental hygienist, the Dentist spoke of a comment from a conversation with a previous patient. At some point the patient told him, “You know how God looks at grace and mercy? Grace is what he extends when you’re doing good. Mercy is what God extends to us when we’re not.”
The dentist expected no comment and rightfully so, my mouth was agape and the hygienist was off doing something else. By the time I was able to speak everyone had moved on. But it’s true what he said!
This Thanksgiving holiday I give thanks for God’s interventions in my life. And, I extend mercy and grace to all those that cross my path, anticipating one is Jesus in disguise.