I have a new appreciation for those that create and edit internet pages. Recently I decided to upgrade my WordPress blog site. I am dealing with basic functions and changes. I visited magicandbeauty‘s blog and was instantly inspired.
When I visit sites and they have content that appears and disappears, scrolls through on its own, resizes, changes or whatever the case may be, I cannot imagine the work that goes into it. I am old school and probably flying in the knowledge I have. I know that I will never get to the level that grade school kids are at!
An old appreciation
In deciding to take the plunge in revamping my site, it brought to mind my old friend Md. Obydulah. I reached out to him to do a yearly check in. What a great guy! It doesn’t seem like I have been blogging for so long. I remember when WordPress did word challenges and Photo challenges! Those were the days that helped me cross paths with so many great people.
My left over energy has now ran that gamut on putting down words. I have a new appreciation and an old appreciation today! Thank you to all and everyone!