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Orange after dark

Looking at my Orange after dark photos

Trying to come up with something for the daily word challenge, “Orange”, I went through my photos for inspiration. Low and behold there it was. I had attempted to capture photos of lightning while watching a bonfire one night. Orange after dark.

while I had actually gotten a bit of the lightning, there was no way to bring it to light in the “live” photo taken by my iPhone. In researching how to capture the seconds before or after the photo, I learned you can turn It into a video and do still frames.


That was a tad bit more than I was prepared to deal with. Procrastination set in. Then I found the need to back up my tablet. It had been months since downloading my apps and photos.

I plugged my tablet in knowing that there was an update. Typically, I don’t buy into the updates after finding them more of a pain in the butt. However, this time I thought I might as well update it. Several hours later and I’m on my tablet again, with a new look that isn’t so bad

Further inspection

Looking in-depth at the update and being led by the prompt to discover, I found that the update included a photo shop type update to the photo gallery. Now there is a way to capture stills from Live Photo’s that is painless. Excitement set in.

Today’s word prompt awakened the desire to capture lightning in my orange glow photo. The one I came up with is the feature image. My contribution to “orange”.

Happy Friday, everyone!!

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