I heard it said, “plant a tree…”
a long while ago I heard a phrase that made me pause for the impact that it would, could and has had. “A life well lived is to plant trees, under whose shade you will never sit”. Whether it is an old greek proverb or the musing of Nelson Henderson, it’s a powerful suggestion. Plant a tree under who’s shade you’ll never sit.
it makes no difference if your faithful or not, as like minded thinkers we should all strive to make our cohabitation kinder, friendlier, more meaningful to others. We have all accepted a helping hand, but we have all not extended one. To me that’s not only sad but unacceptable!
extended freely plant a tree
we all can give, either from our wealth or our poverty. There is no minimal investment or limitation to the support we can extend to others. I thrive in the company of those whose light is on, shining on anyone who needs. My being faithful, I believe that is one of the great purposes of our existance.
When you take away the hard earnings of life and replace them with handouts, you are left with someone who knows not, nor puts a value on anything. That person will spend their life expecting others to do more so that they can do less. I also believe they are not capable of processing the disappointment this will bring as they get older and those inclined to help do less and less.
hand outs is not what I am referring to
I am referring to the investment in one another. Maybe it is not money, maybe it is emotional support, a place to stay, a ride, a kind word or smile. Primarily it is the boost that supporting someone can give, helping a person to be able to venture out and pass it on. To make a difference in the thinking of how we relate to our loved ones, friends and not so friendly.
The treatment of others makes or breaks. The rudder of the body (tongue) can do much damage. We are like minded but not all alike. Why then single out who plants the tree and who gets the shade?! I guess we will never know and have to be contented with some being stepping stones for others.
Md. Obydullah
in addition to all the others that have crossed my path, I would like to dedicate this page to Md Obydullah. He has extended genuine kindness to me and is eager to help others. He is a representative for all those that have exampled the true meaning of life: service. Our other journeys together:

our lights shine, and we see and recognize each other. We’re planting trees!