post timing is thin
I struggle. After a three-month period of not posting, and being shocked that much time passed, I promised myself to take time out to post no matter what! Then I struggle. Posting thin.

I’m retired, yes, but I work as many hours as I can. As of late that has been less than 40 hours a week. But when I’m called out to work, I work. I don’t mind it either; I stay agile, and it’s a lot like exercise so far. When you consider how immobile I was for the length of time before retiring, this is a good thing to have happen. But it does not come without a price. My body fights me every step of the way.
Contrary to how it used to be, where I would literally pour out of the vehicle and my husband would help me gimp it to the house. Now I remove myself at my own speed and hobble to the house. Its progress, right?! As soon as I strengthen those muscles I won’t be so worn out and my time for blogging will not be posting thin, I hope. But for now, I struggle.
fat on my feet