Daily Post

Retirement Gone Wild

siberian husky beside woman sitting on gray rock mountain hill while watching aerial view
Written by lam0beaner

Apologies to subscribers

Apologies for a retirement gone wild

Here it is going on 7 years retired and I haven’t gotten anything accomplished – so it feels. I’ve let my blogs go for the past couple of years, to the point that there were so many changes! I am playing a serious game of catch up. As a result, I am updating and changing just about all the pages in my .com blog, as well as the free WP site. This has the potential of alerting my subscribers monotonously therefore I am creating a current post to apologize for my retirement gone wild.

I could say I am going to do better, but I have already tried that – 2 years ago. I just cannot keep up with how fast life is going. The older I get, the faster it goes. I know I am not alone in this, but it doesn’t help me in managing my time better. If I sit down at my computer, the day is gone before I realize it’s dark. Weeks are like days to me and days like seconds.

Catching up in spite of retirement gone wild

In updating/upgrading my sites I hope to rekindle the habit of waking up and the first thing I do is jot down some thoughts to post.

I appreciate you all who have stuck with me and are sticking with me during the endless changes that are being made. I also intend to make time to support others in their works.

Overwhelmed with a retirement gone wild

So much catching up to do.

I appreciate you all and look forward to catching up on your works!

About the author


I'm faithful, foremost. A blogger since 2017. Interested in photography, painting, anything crafty. I am not afraid to tackle the unknown and if I get stuck, there's always the internet. I consider myself to be young at heart in an aging body.

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