If ever there were a word that could not be shed in a positive light, fraud would have to be it. But let’s try anyway. the prize is a jar of salsa.
- The day began fraudulently as rain, but the sun broke through instead.
- The fraud of a bad temper realized as a joke.
- The fraudulent portrayal of forgetfulness was actually a cover-up for the surprise.
- She saw through the fraud of meanness to the gentle heart within.
- His fraudulent act of betrayal was to save her from certain disappointment.
The day began fraudulently of rain, but the sun broke through instead. She and her husband spoke briefly on the phone during his lunch hour. It was the usual banter; the fraud of a bad temper realized as a joke.
She had only a few minutes before meeting with her old boss and his secretary. It had only been two weeks since they were in each other’s presence. But she had spoken to her boss yesterday and promised him salsa. So, off she went, planning a fraudulent portrayal of forgetfulness in an attempt to cover up the surprise. It didn’t work. The secretary knew her to well and saw through the fraud of meanness to the gentle heart of the giver.
Her old boss appeared after she had been there awhile. It was only a matter of minutes, and they would all be going to lunch. As everyone rose to their feet and made their way to the door, the boss began a fraudulent portrayal of taking the secretaries salsa to save her from certain disappointment of forgetting it. For they were off to buy chips!