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Sleep sandman

Sleep the day away

My hubby says I spend to much time in bed, but when your tired isn’t sleep what your supposed to do? I get what he means, but when I get up early I end up taking a nap. Like today, for example, awake at 8:30; up at 9:30 and at 1:30 I am hitting a brick wall and wanting to take a nap.

I get it. I should be: up, active, exercising, getting it done! Take a shower and get your second wind. Go to work, be agile, fluid, energetic…


That leaves me with the obvious. I need to start exercising again. I’m not an aggressive work out nut, matter of fact, it’s one of the least favorite things I enjoy doing. However, I know it’s THE most important thing a person can do for mobility, balance and stamina.

My form of exercise is yoga. Strength training balanced with range of motion. While there is no cardio, I can find that in other ways, I hope; playing with the dogs, climbing stairs – since every job I go to seems to have the need for an upper level!

Getting up before noon

What is on my radar to work on now is getting up after 8 hours sleep. That would allow me time to get my hours worth of yoga in and other things I need to be doing; primarily getting the contents of our house under control and cleaned.

But I have no energy, which is a vicious circle of not excerising and laying in bed all day – not good! Hubby is right to try and motivate me to change my routine. I’m ready. Someone once said they exercise to eat pie; I will be exercising to keep my mobility, hopefully on into the golden years.

I road 50 miles a day on a ten speed with my aunt JoAnn. It Caused problems with both of my knees before I was 30 years old. I’m not looking to wear out any more parts of my body. 🧘‍♀️

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