Hubby in the mood to spend some money
Woke up today, with my usual cup of coffee in the hand of hubby outstretched arm, only today he said get up let’s go spend some money. He wanted to look at swings to set out by his horse shoe pit. When shopping is involved I can be ready in no time flat! As of late, I have been on a buying freeze, but with the recent development of hubby not wanting to full time in an RV, I feel no sense of discipline on our spending.
Its a funny thing about our spending. When I spend money it’s in small amounts, $25, $50, $100. When hubby spends money its $500, $1000, several thousand. Given that, it is usually something that we need or will save us in the long run. Me, I just spend money on clothes, shoes, spas, body care…. neither one of us complain about the others spending.
Off to Lowe’s
Hubby’s version of “WalMart” is Menards. Going to the big box home improvement stores is probably a given with all

Lowe’s futon garden swing
guys. Today it was Lowes, not Menards. We had seen what Menards had to offer and hubby wanted to shop around. The first thing we saw when walking up to the entrance was several swings. One was a futon style which sat 3 people and could lay down. It was only $148! There was a technique to getting it from swing to bed but once figured out not that difficult. Hubby questioned its quality. We continued on into the store to look around.
Inside we didn’t find anything that met our needs except for an umbrella. My husband said he does not sit on our deck because there is no shade! I said “well, then let’s get an umbrella!” There was one at Menards we really liked. It went on sale for $249. But for some reason neither one of us was motivated to make the purchase. It was tan in color and very big. I thought it had a chunky base but hubby said not.
When we happened along the umbrella at Lowes, it immediately caught my eye because it had lights on the underside of the canopy. It was red in color and the same size as the other one we liked. However, the price tag on this one was $298. The one at Menards went to $299 after the sale.

Lowe’s patio umbrella
We bought the umbrella
After looking it over we asked for help in getting one. The lady said she had to get it off the shelf and to have a sit in their comfy lawn furniture until she got back with it. We went back outside and further evaluated the futon swing. After sitting, laying and swing in it we decided to buy it as well.
As luck would have it, Lowe’s was running a zero interest for 12 months with Lowe’s credit card purchase. Hubby applied, was granted a spending limit and off we went.
I can’t begin to count the times we have made purchases on this kind of plan. We are like Bernie Maddoff only legal! We purchase as if we were paying cash, and pay off before any interest comes due. With 12 months to pay off a $450 bill the payment will likely be $25 (minimum). Piece of cake!
Now we just need to get them put together!