Staying Safe? The politics of today, as well as the COVID thing, has sure thrown a wrench in the works! I’m particularly thankful for my faith in times like this. According to one person who counted. “Fear not” is in the bible over 70 times. “Be not afraid” is said to be mentioned almost 30 times. I think it is safe to say that as faithfuls we are not to worry.

Living without fear is not particularly easy and being able to go through this life without a few heavy burdens is impossible. So, if there is a way to lighten my load I jump on board.
It is liberating, to say the least, to reduce the fear struggle. Not to mention my anger threshold has greatly depreciated!
Believing there is something greater at play and in control than I; knowing its out of my hands and that I am going to be alright regardless of what happens; “it’s so easy a caveman can do it”…. why wouldn’t you? In my opinion it comes down to the divine plan of things.

Preaching to the choir
I know its a matter of choice. I get that each of us have different views and positions on those views. I also appreciate that the days, like we are experiencing now, require us to believe in something, if its only wrong and right.
Believing should cause us to consider and pursue truth. That enables us to realize how we should react and treat each other. Without the conscience of our beliefs, regardless in what power we believe in, we lack common sense of a given situation. And if we don’t act upon our convictions? Well, I believe Edmund Burke said it best: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Lawlessness and indifference
Can we really continue under the conditions that are unfolding before us? No consideration for others property, feelings, or existence? What is left when no one cares about the basic things woven into life at birth?

I want to believe that even those with a destructive nature fear pain, loss or death when faced with it. However, in light of today’s headlines, you really have to wonder if the greatest accomplishment for some is what can be inflicted or taken away from others.
What good is my contribution?
Good verses evil, light verses dark, truth verses lies, wealth verses poverty; It really does deserve a thought provoking answer. I hope I have evoked thought. While I don’t always lean to the good side of life, I do believe my contribution is to help others, in whatever way I can.
Wouldn’t it be great if we were all a tiny bit more like Mr. Rogers? I hope you are staying safe, as well as all those who are dear to you.
“… wont you be my neighbor?” (Mr. Rogers)