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Stuck sux

If you look at the website on the word “stuck” you read words like “unable”, “set-in”, “difficult”. Looking back on my life I see “stuck” in some semblance or metaphor routinely.

As early as 7 or 8 years old I remember playing in the barn where the cows were turned it. The manure would get thick prior to my grandpa cleaning it out and spreading it on the field. I and my siblings all lost shoes at one time or another in that thick fertilizer.

Growing into stuck

Attending grade school was hard to acclimate to. My grandmother stretched my hair in a tight bun every morning. She handmade most if not all of my clothes. I had to wear special shoes to prevent being pigeon toed later in life. I was often a wall flower.

Even unto middle school and high school my comfort zone was more introverted. I enjoyed watching scenes unfold before me, predicting the outcome. Learning the signs, signals and mannerisms of those seeking their place in life. That is a blessing and a curse to this day.

Becoming un Stuck

Then I became mobile in every sense of the word. Acquiring a driver’s license enabled my independence. It also aided in my search to discover other faiths and religions.

I settled back into my own Assembly of God, protestant, “holy rolling” faith. And the roller coaster of my life began. At times I became comfortable in the direction my life was going but for the most part I actively made a mess out of it.

Stuck in stupidity

I was a slow learner so accomplishing anything was twice as difficult for me. Hindsight comforts me by enabling me to appreciate all was necessary to get me to the place I am today. However, whenever I found myself stuck, it was only temporary, and I typically ended up surpassing my previous levels of stupid.

There were enlightened moments. Actually, plenty of them for someone with the (hind)site to see. For example, living in Texas brought many new discoveries. Partying with friends at a lake when all of a sudden, here was a car with a log chained to the back end. The occupants of the vehicle were pulling someone around who was riding it like a bull. When they turned to follow the lake drive the log rolled and the poor guy fell off.

The vehicle stopped, occupants exited and kneeled down by the guy. I became concerned over the possibility of injury. Those with me encouraged me to blow it off. Telling me I would get them involved in a fight by not minding my own business. The conviction to help was strong and I went to them.

Stuck memories

When I approached the guy who fell off the log, he was unconscious and his “friends were kneeled down beside him flicking Bicks (lighters). They were attempting to light the firecrackers that they had jammed into both ears of the unconscious man. I quickly scattered the firecrackers and began scolding the occupants for doing something like that. The occupants could care less, laughing and walking away.

By the way, the unconscious guy was ok. Just overly drunk as were the occupants. I’ll never forget that! It’s those times, in my opinion, that illuminate the path ahead. It enables hindsight to guide your path and makes you realize that all is worth it in the end.

making a difference

All those times in my life have served me well. Good and bad. I recognize stuck when I see it. By God’s grace and his spirit of discernment I not only see “stuck” in myself and others, but I can usually tell if it is “unable”, “set-in” or “difficult”.

Living unstuck

“Be the change you want to see in the world”

While it’s easy to call it out effecting change is complicated. Especially in others. Being unstuck could be as easy or complex as helping others desire change, recognizing change, BEING CHANGE.

In my opinion, helping others keeps ourselves mobile. It requires us to example the change as well as make it desirable for others. Free will keeps us mobile or stuck but we all benefit from someone who isn’t afraid to be or show the difference. Even when it’s unpopular.

When someone is contented with being stuck move on. There are MANY who would benefit being armed with the tools to stay mobile. Listen to them, support them, example what change may and does look like. The reward is far greater than the disappointments that sometimes occur.

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