Site icon A Life Retired

Summer 2024

summer letter cube on soil

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

2024 A summer to remember

I am parallelling this post with my WordPress (free) blog Summer 2024. I thought it would be the thing to do since I’m attempting to get the blogging juices flowing again. It begs to mentioned that it’s a more pleasant experience in the paid format than within the free format.

The last time I posted on the free site the “Yoast SEO” was available to use in my posts. Not only that it was displayed on my main page as red and green lights with other page/site information.

Worth the money

No doubt, paying for the perks that help navigate the web and make blogs more reader friendly is worth the money. Given that, it needs to be a reasonable dollar amount. I was shocked to learn that WordPress has a $300 package! Instead of meeting that price point, I will seek out a new pet project!

I have, however, been contemplating the minimal $50 package to remove the ads. Especially after proofreading the live free site to discover swollen feet and wrinkly, (“bat wings”) aged underarms.

Hot summer

It’s gearing up to be a warm summer. That will make it particularly easy to set time aside for posting thoughts. Topics on the hand are a struggle sometimes. Especially when casting a wide net for readers. When I started several years ago, WordPress would do “Daily words” as a jump off for newbies and any other interested parties (I really miss those!). WordPress no longer extends the invitation but the upside to that is daily words are available in apps, on the internet and on fellow blogger sites.

I have several irons in the fire for creativity. When my husband retired 4 years ago, we purchased a Snapmaker. My motivation was to create something commemorating hubby’s retirement. Something he could give his coworkers to remember him by.

My first project

I used the laser feature of the Snapmaker and created leather key fobs. Most were the same design but there were a few that were customized to honor those coworkers who are close to my husband. It was pretty basic with the retirement year and hobby of the person he was giving it to. The “generic” ones were motorcycle themed with the date.

Since then, I have used the 3-d printer and the carving components of the machine. My favorite being the CNC. I intend to expand the Snapmaker, or should I say update, to include the more powerful laser. I would like to be able to engrave harder items like stone and steel.

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