Daily Post Entertainment

Support for WP Bloggers

black vinyl record
Written by lam0beaner

Awhile back I began to support WP bloggers

Not everyone can sit down and write something that will interest readers. And then there are those that come by it Naturally. I want to support WP bloggers as much as possible. Today my support for WordPress bloggers goes to The New Three R’s: Retirement, Recharge, Reconnect.

I found myself in a two-year lapse, but since I am back at it, I feel that the support for other bloggers should be part of the writing process. While cruising the reader today I happened along The New Three R’s: Retirement, Recharge, Reconnect post on the Pointer Sisters. It brought back some fond memories and made me want to search for my favorite song by The Pointer Sisters.

I didn’t realize

The pointer sisters are all gone now. According to Wikipedia the last sister passed away in 2022. They would have been in their 80’s today. I really appreciate the opportunity to honor them as well as support the WP blogger.

I have posted a couple videos of “Fire” by the pointer sisters. One gives a little history about them. the other is from The Midnight Special. A great weekly series enjoyed by many in the day!

Thank you!

Thank you to The New Three R’s: Retirement, Recharge, Reconnect for the nice post and dredging up some great memories. Here is The Pointer Sisters singing “Fire”. I hope you enjoy them.

About the author


I'm faithful, foremost. A blogger since 2017. Interested in photography, painting, anything crafty. I am not afraid to tackle the unknown and if I get stuck, there's always the internet. I consider myself to be young at heart in an aging body.


  • I agree in supporting our bloggers since blogging for a couple of decades now. I have trouble with receiving notifications on my phone, so I wait until desk time to read and take time. Time is the issue with some. Anyway yes, the singers of our generations are now leaving us. Sad. They did some great songs to dance to lucky but they can go on in the music.

    • Right on in that they go on in their music. I know the struggles data and internet as well. I thank God for all those I have crossed paths with AND for the far reaching he has enabled. Thank you for taking the time Kathleen.

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