It’s no coincidence
I believe things happen for a reason and we are to human to know what they are. Some things can be a coincidence, like having the same purse, wearing the same dress, running into someone at the local home store. But the heavy hitter stuff like crossing paths with someone, life experiences, our health. Thats no coincidence.
Even with the human equation, I still believe there is a higher purpose. So many times, I have had the privilege of experiencing these in my own life.
For example,
One year, my husband and I decided not to do anything for each other for Christmas. We felt compelled to do things for others instead. Just before the holiday hubby and I were in the jewelry store getting my rings cleaned. I saw a ring that I would have dearly loved to have. It was a ring with a cross in the middle and bands encircling the cross. The bands had different colored diamonds and could be customized with birth colors and engraved. It cost $179.
Looking at my husband who raised his eyebrows to say, “it’s up to you, but…” I got it. Even though I really wanted that ring, I knew what we were being led to do would have more of an impact. It wasn’t long after that my mom called and asked if we were going to be home, that her boyfriend (of over 40 years) had something he wanted to give me.
God revealed
When mom and boyfriend arrived the planned day, her boyfriend said that his mom had given him rings she wanted handed out to mom, my sister and myself. My mom told me I ended up with the particular ring because it would not fit either one of them. When he gave it to me, I felt so blessed, it was beautiful.
It had a diamond in the middle of a raised setting. It was etched leading up to the raised setting and had three pinholes on each side of the pedestal to let the light in. I was taken back and enamored at the same time! I put it on the middle finger on my right hand.
that was no coincidence
A leap of faith yielded that ring to me. One that had far more meaning and beauty than the one at the jewelry store.