Well, it’s my birthday and I’m turning 60 today! For me, it’s just a number. I don’t put emphasis on age. As a matter of fact, I read somewhere that your age is not numbers, it’s energy and I have to say I agree with that!
On my other blog site I quote a phrase by Hunter S. Thompson about his view of getting older. It is my motto. My older sister lived more in her short years than I have in my many. One need only to look in the Bible concerning aging. Over 60 times it states do not worry in some fashion. I do my level best to rest on Gods shoulders.
Not worrying removes years from the body!
Age defining
Turning 60 does not mean I will be shutting down or doing less! I firmly believe in being a risk taker not a follower. I have my own style; my own sense of purpose; my own rules.
If there is one thing that unites me with others it has to be my faith in God. But that is the beginning and the end of it, literally!
The Figment of age has been a centuries old downer. Neither of the two sexes are keen on aging. In fact some have been known to drop off the deep end trying to recapture their youth. I have earned every wrinkle, droop, sag and blemish! The one thing I did do, however, was turn my hair blue.
Age embracing

Turning 60 is just another adventure. When I arrived at the milestone of being a geriatric, my hair began to straighten and gray peppered throughout. Parts of my hair was bushy, but all of my hair was a sickly, mousey brown. So, given that the ladies in the day ran a blue rinse through their hair to keep it sparkling white, I decided to go with an electric blue color Change for my hair! Fun NOT boring!
I’ll never live to be that long
In high school, 2021 seemed light years away. From that point on I attempted to forgot about my age. I tried not to put emphasis on it. My husband reminds me on some birthdays what my number is. Like I thought my big 60 was next year!
My grandfather lived to be 104. He said the hardest part was outliving your friends and family; and that the mind stays young but the body wears out. He was mobile without assistance right up to his 90’s. Still had his drivers license when he passed away.
My grandfather had melanoma on his nose; most assuredly prostate cancer, even though that was not diagnosed. His death certificate stated that he died of old age.
Turning 60 and having the time of your life doesn’t mean going quietly into the sunset. Live a long and full life.
Thank you, Fandango, for the word challenge!