What a ride the last three weeks has been
I have been working nearly 40 hrs per week for three weeks with the last week working 45 hrs.! There was a shortage of staff that caused the influx of hours, which came to a grand finale the final week. And when I say “what a ride”, it’s not simply a metaphor! I traveled 58 miles one way to my first job of the day. It has been a ride, like 150+ mile ride a day!
The final week wasn’t so bad, however, I was given a helper to offset the workload; a fellow co-worker who is normally on the floor crew. We work well together due to his being an equal opportunity “work-your-ass-off” kind of person.
We knocked them out one by one
I have to say, cleaning the areas that we cleaned were not favored by far. The staff routinely baited us with paper clips to see how often attention was paid to their needs. Basically, all this did was create extra work for us. Staff also made a frivolous complaint the second time we were at a one particular site.
But I don’t want to focus on the bitch side of it. I want to show appreciation for my partner and the job well done. We tackled each site with attention and intention.
Good work ethic and conversation
While at the sites a mutual work ethic was applied; it’s nice to work with someone that is on the same page. For example: at one site my partner had to have the broom, I was putting all other equipment away; when finished he reached it around the corner to find my hand ready to take it to the closet. He could not see me, I did not know he was going to reach it around the corner when he was done. None the less, getting to the next site flowed as easy as drifting down a slow moving river.
The work went by fast due to us being on the same page and tackling it with a light hearted perception. Even when offensive tricks were pulled on us. The traveling sometimes took longer than the job, but it went by at a good pace because of the conversation. You might say there was never a dull moment.
Thats the way to do it! What a ride!
My schedule has dropped back down to its normal load. Im going to miss my work partner. It was a good system while it lasted. I hope he makes an easy transition back to his original classification. I’ve dedicated this page so he will know how much I appreciated having a partner that shared the work load and was easy to get along with.
Thanks Mike!